

    Shanghai Shuosong Electronic Technology established in 2006, we are a high technology enterprise that specialized in detective equipments window researching and manufacturing. Shuosong have cooperated with many university research centers since its set up, with the efforts and constant innovation, we have became a leading company in detective equipments window fields.

    Our main products include beryllium foil to steel brazing, beryllium to oxyg...[More]
    Tel: 0086-2167686795:Fax:0086-2157770536


    Synchrotron Radiaton Application
    Water-cooled Be Window Flange Assembly
    SDD Beryllium Window
    CT Application
    Analytical Instrument
    Brazed Sapphire Window Flange
    Water-cooled Beryllium Window with Copper
    Alumina Brazing
    Brazed Diamond Window to Copper
    Beryllium Foil
    Brazed Be Window to SST
    Beryllium Foil
    Beryllium Foil
    Laser Receiver Window
    Laser Receiver Window
    Vacuum Sapphire Viewports
    Vacuum Sapphire Viewp...
    Water-Cooled Beryllium Window
    Water-Cooled Berylliu...
    Copper Brazed Diamond Window
    Copper Brazed Diamond...
    Alumina Brazed Metal
    Alumina Brazed Metal
    CF40 Beryllium Window Flange
    CF40 Beryllium Window...
    Dual-beryllium Window Flange
    Dual-beryllium Window...
    CF100 Rotable Beryllium Window Flange
    CF100 Rotable Berylli...
    To8 SDD Beryllium Window
    To8 SDD Beryllium Win...
    CF35(CF40) Rotable Beryllium Window Flange
    CF35(CF40) Rotable Be...
    Water-cooled Beryllium Window
    Water-cooled Berylliu...
    hotline line
    About us
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    List Corporate Culture
    List Organizational Structure
    List Synchrotron Radiaton Application
    List SDD Beryllium Window
    List CT Application
    List Analytical Instrument
    List Brazed Sapphire Window Flange
    List Water-cooled Beryllium Window with Copper
    List Alumina Brazing
    List Brazed Diamond Window to Copper
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    Copyright:    Shanghai ShuoSong Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.      Email:raochao@robedemariees.com
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